Common Mistakes When Remodeling Your Bathroom
Common Mistakes When Remodeling Your Bathroom

Are you planning to remodel your bathroom? You have probably poured over dozens of design magazines and catalogs to create your inspiration board, right? While having your bathroom remodeled is fun and exciting, you are bound to encounter some problems without any pre-planning.
Remember that beautiful bathroom showed in Cougar Town? That is what a true bathroom remodel looks like if done right. The first thing Laurie says when she enters the bathroom is, “This looks like a bathroom from a fairytale.”
On that note, if you have this vision of your bathroom looking like an oasis, then the first thing you need to factor into your pre-planning is all the things that can wrong during the remodel.
To save you some money and stress, we have compiled a couple of common bathroom remodeling mistakes that will help you keep your vision intact.
The Popularity of Bathroom Remodel Projects
Did you know that when it comes to home remodeling projects, most Americans prefer to remodel their kitchen and bathroom first, before the other rooms?
According to a report by iProperty Management, 71% of homeowners start with repainting their house and then proceed to kitchen and bathroom remodels such as removing grimy tiles and brass knobs, hanging new curtains, and replacing countertops. What’s astonishing is that the majority of these remodels are not aesthetically driven. They make these changes to simply increase the value of their house.
The aging population of the US, which comprises of 50% of Americans, is the one that spends the most on remodels. Their aim is to increase accessibility in the bathroom foremost and then the overall house. They are also investing in smart technology to “age in-place” for as long as they can.
Now that you know how a bathroom remodel can work in your favor, let’s have a look at six bathroom remodeling mistakes that you should avoid at all costs:
Mistake #1
Not Having a Demolition Plan
“We will tackle this problem as we go along,” is what most homeowners say when they are remodeling a space. You cannot simply demolish one corner of the bathroom, remodel it, and then move on to the other. Sooner or later, you will hit a snag. Without any planning, the vision you have in mind will probably have a misshapen end.
So, the first thing you need to do is have a sit down with a professional bathroom remodeler and create a blue print that clearly outlines what will go where. Don’t get too excited over a fixture because it’s possible your bathroom might not be able to accommodate it.
For example, you are planning to get a luxury alcove tub in place of your standard tub. You have your heart set on it and want it more than anything else. However, the blue print of your bathroom reveals that there’s no way that you can fit it in the remodel without knocking down a wall and getting some extra space.
Today, you can build 3D remodels on screen and have a preview of how your bathroom will look. Use this technique to get the lay of the bathroom and furnish it like they do it in The Sims.
Mistake #2
Low Ventilation
Many homeowners add a window or two in the bathroom and feel that it’s enough for ventilation. Did your previous bathroom have paint peeling off the ceilings and walls?
“But I had windows in the room!”
Well, the evidence suggests otherwise.
This is why it is important to invest in a ventilation fan that works on a timer. Depending on how big your bathroom is, the fan should be of appropriate size or it won’t ventilate the room properly. You can time the fan to work every 15 minutes. This way, after taking a shower, all that steam will be removed from the bathroom. No more condensation that might destroy the beauty of your newly painted walls!
Mistake #3
Poor Lighting
Lighting is of utmost importance when it comes to bathroom remodeling. Your day begins in the bathroom with brushing your teeth, taking a shower, shaving, applying makeup etc. and ends in the bathroom washing away the day’s dirt.
Lighting should be placed in such a way that it hangs right above the vanity mirror and shines directly on your face. There are lit mirrors that give you a celebrity feel, pendants that hang low and spread light all over the vanity, and standard LED strips which you can install over or inside the vanity cabinet.
Poor lighting tends to make the room look smaller and the vanity cluttered. Since the bathroom is the most used room in the house, invest in some good, energy-saving lighting options.
Mistake #4
Using Outdated Features and Fixtures
The gaudy border tiles, sanitary ware with embellishments and vintage designs and fancy murals on the wall are just some of the features and fixtures that you might admire now – in 2 years, they will lose their appeal. A classic yet elegant bathroom remodel is what complements every house. Don’t overspend on flashy fixtures because they will not last long. Instead, go for a design that is simple and offers convenience.
Mistake #5
Skimping on the Fixtures That Matter
You probably have a budget for all the items that you want in the remodel. Let’s assume that you want a copper bathtub. The copper sanitary ware line is quite expensive but your mind is set on it. You go over your list one more time to see what items can be removed to accommodate the tub. After much thinking, you decide to cross the ventilation fan and write windows in its place.
As explained earlier, this is one of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make in bathroom remodeling. If you are on a budget then why add fixtures that you know are costly? There are plenty of other materials that can help you achieve the same look. Skimping on an important fixture such as the ventilation fan will waste all your money and effort, as after a few months, the paint will start to peel off the ceilings.
Mistake #6
The Toilet Is the First Thing You See When You Enter the Bathroom
When talking about layout, the toilet should not be the first thing you see when you walk into the bathroom. This will completely destroy the purpose of your bathroom remodel! We are not saying that you should place the toilet in a private area but for the purpose of aesthetics, the vanity should be the first thing you see when you enter the bathroom. The toilet should always be behind the door as it swings open to the right. This will make your bathroom look classier.
And there you have it ― six bathroom remodeling mistakes that you can avoid with a little pre-planning and budgeting. If you are looking for a professional bathroom remodeler then visit Timeless Construction. This company offers remodeling services for outdoor and indoor spaces, and special projects. For more information, call Jerry at (425) 412-0780. To request a quote, fill out the contact form here.